About The Resort
Where Luxury Meets Serenity – Discover the Unique Charm of Our Premier Villa Resort!
A bit of El Mirasol Villas History
El Mirasol, meaning “to look at the sun” or poetically known as “flower in the sun,” embodies a tranquil allure. Established in 1947 by Howard Hughes, the original six-building compound was famously designed to captivate Elizabeth Taylor amidst the stunning California desert.
Though the outcome of Hughes’ romantic endeavor remains unknown, El Mirasol has been a sunlit haven for luminaries like Jayne Mansfield and Marilyn Monroe. Transitioning into a hotel in the early 1950s, it was later acquired by Bob Hope in the 1960s.
In 1975, El Mirasol Villas made history as Palm Springs’ first gay hotel, with the north side annexed in the 1980s, forming the iconic property we cherish today. Since acquiring it in October 2000, your hosts, Paul and Bruce, have lovingly preserved its legacy as the iconic “Flower in the Sun.”